Little Black BookShelf

Book review bog for contemporary romance novels

A Slippery Slope by Tanya Gallagher

My Review

       A Slippery Slope is about a young woman who returns to her small hometown after learning that her boyfriend was cheating on her. Figuring out a way to return to the city she loves and make it without the help of her trash ex, Natalie comes up with a crazy but genius idea to startup her own lube company. It’s a great plan, actually, but what she didn’t factor into her equation is her old best friend / secret crush being the key to execute that plan. And…well…as the title suggests, it’s a slippery slope from there.

       I was particularly excited to read this book because Tanya was the first indie author that I followed when I started LBB, and after seeing her teasers for the book on Instagram, I just had to check it out.

       Overall, I enjoyed the book. The characters were relatable, especially when it comes to second guessing yourself. Because second guessing is a practically a skill of mine. Though it was a good debut novel, I’m not gonna lie, it did take me a minute to really get in to the story, but things definitely picked up after Natalie and Jackson agree to work together. Because…duh…working on a start up business selling lube with the guy who’s not only your best friend but who you’re secretly in love with is a recipe for all sorts of good tension. 

Final Rating: 4 Stars


Steam Scale Mild Salsa



Comments & Side Notes

§  Can I be honest? I’m kinda hoping one of my friends buys me a matching Penis (His) & Vagina (Hers) coffee mug set whenever I find the penis that I want to spend my life with

§  Gail couldn’t let Natalie be great for five seconds about her business, could she? Plus it sounds like her daughter & granddaughter aren’t over there daily and with Natalie staying in the guest house, if they decided to pop over, they’d likely be staying in the main house. Soooooo there would have been little to no chance of them finding out about Nat’s business

§  I had an epiphany randomly when I got to page 189. Don’t ask me why that page because I can’t tell you. I just felt the need to point out that that was the page I had the epiphany on. (Another statement I can’t answer why to). But the epiphany is about why I like the book. I relate to Nat a lot: starting things and not seeing them through, anxiety, second guessing myself all the time. But I like how even through all of that and trying to go with the flow with things regarding her relationship with Jackson, she pushes past that voice in her head and goes for it anyway. Hell, I wish I could’ve unlocked that drive at 23. I wish I could unlock it now. 


Quotable Highlights


“Everything that’s not sleeping makes me feel like I’m going to have a panic attack.”-p. 9

       So. Much. TRUTH! Say it louder for the people in the back.


“So what do you want to do?”

I shrug. “I don’t know.” I shouldn’t have gone to school for writing, it should have been accounting or medicine. Something practical, something where I would have an actual career by now. Why couldn’t I have been built that way?       -Abby & Nat p. 28

       God this sounds just like me. Daily I wonder why I didn’t choose something more realistic instead of video & film production


I’m not a college dropout barista with a shitty ex-boyfriend. I’m Delilah Overbrook, lube-business owner. I’m CEO, bitch. This is my game to win.     -p. 95

       YASSS girl! I seriously need that attitude


“I’m serious, Nat. Anyway, what matters to me isn’t if your writing is good or not. It’s that it’s yours. I know writing is important to you, so it’s important to me, too.”­­     

-Jackson p. 203

       Annnndddd now I officially love this guy