Little Black BookShelf

Book review bog for contemporary romance novels

All Your Perfects by Colleen Hoover

My Review

         It’s been a couple years since I’ve read one of CoHo’s books, and after reading All Your Perfects I have no idea why I haven’t been on her books like stink on sh*t because they’re are always sooo freaking good! I wanted to call out of work and devour this book in one sitting, but I also wanted to take my time and savor it.

         Fair warning, if you’re not one who goes for raw, unfiltered, emotional stories then you may want to give yourself a pep talk before picking up this book, or look for something else. But I strongly advise you make yourself vulnerable enough to dive into Graham & Quinn’s story.

         Every chapter alternates from past to present, from when they first met to their seventh year of marriage. And while their past may allude to their present being full of sunshine and rainbows, the harsh reality is it’s not. That’s what makes this book so special is that it’s so real. Many couples go through the same thing that Quinn and Graham go through and it tests the strength and love in a marriage that most of us don’t think about when we agree to commit to someone for better or worse.

         Many of us who aren’t married or in a serious relationship where marriage is a high possibility only think of the big day and the falling asleep while cuddling and waking up next to each other with smiles on your faces for ever and ever. The good stuff. Of course no one wants to think about the fights and disagreements and the moments where you really question whether you want to keep fighting for a marriage when it seems like all the problems and issues would stop once you walk away.

         All Your Perfects is a powerful story that really begs the question when problems are wreaking havoc to a marriage but the love for one another hasn’t wavered: is that love enough to save the relationship?

Final Rating: 5 Emotional Stars

Steam Scale Imperfectly Perfect



Comments & Side Notes

§  Graham and Quinn had probably one of the worse meet-cutes in the history of meet-cutes but it’s now one of my favorite first encounters.

§  I had been in a mood for weeks around the time that I read All Your Perfects where I wanted to read something that pulled on your heartstrings because it was so freaking emotional…and the whole time this book was sitting on my dresser silently begging me to flip it open so I could have my heart break and repair over and over and over again. It definitely delivered.

§  Graham’s monologue in the car with Quinn after he told her he cheated on her…f*cking heartbreaking! Actually that entire scene was emotional af. Who am I kidding: this whole story is emotional af

§  Chapter 28. That’s all I’m gonna say…


In Your Feels Quotes

**So instead of the usual quotable moment with my lame responses to said quotes, these are some of the quotes that require no comment…just feel it**


“Don’t be so hard on yourself,” he says. “Now you know exactly what to look for. When you meet someone who is good for you, they won’t fill you with insecurities by focusing on your flaws. They’ll fill you with inspiration, because they’ll focus on all the best parts of you.”  -Graham, p. 149


“I couldn’t sleep” … “Finally gave up and came over here after midnight.”

… “You missed me?”

… “It’s weird.” … “I used to be fine when I was alone. But now that I have you, I’m lonelywhen I’m alone.”     -Graham & Quinn, p. 173


“Who are you right now? What did you do with my husband?”

… “He’s probably somewhere with my wife. It’s been a while since I’ve seen her.”

… “I hate you right now. So much.”

“You don’t hate me,” he says quietly. “In order to hate me you’d have to love me. But you’ve been indifferent towards me for a while now.”

         -Quinn & Graham, p. 183


“I fucked up because I miss you. […] When I’m home, I miss you. When you’re next to me in bed, I miss you. When I’m insideyou, I miss you.”

[…] “We live together. We eat together. We sleep together. But I have never felt more alone in my entire life.” -Graham, p. 188


“I love you,” he says quietly, shaking his head. “I always have. No matter how much you wish I didn’t.”  -Graham, p. 190


“If God didn’t believe in me, then I’d have to believe you were just a coincidence. And you being a coincidence in my life is a lot harder for me to fathom=m than the mere existence of a higher power.”    -Graham, p. 212


“If I was oblivious to your emotional state, I would merely be a man in love with you. But I’m more than that. I’m your soul mate and I can feel everything you’re feeling.”

         -Graham, p. 223