Little Black BookShelf

Book review bog for contemporary romance novels

Pulse by Gail McHugh

My Review

         I need for Gavin Blake to be real, and I need for him to be mine! He is definition of all-American perfection. Just absolutely perfect.

         With heart pounding tension and all-consuming love, Pulse is a…pulsating part two to Gavin, Emily, and even “Dumbledick” Dillion’s story. (Was that pulsating pun too much?? Eh…who cares it’s staying)

         Even though some of the underlying- or not so underlying-themes are heavy, like the abuse Emily suffered while she was in a relationship with Dillion, this is a book series I would come back to if I’m in the mood for a good heartfelt love story.

Final Rating: 5 Stars






Comments & Side Notes

§  Michael gets Bro-In-Law of the Century Award for beating the shit out of Dillion (although I’m sure any decent man would’ve done the same…at least I hope so)

§  Gavin’s Most Savage Moments

o   Dinner at Lisa’s: So I just found it hilarious how Gavin was in the middle of a conversation with Phil about beer and private jets and he stops to hand Emily a bottle cap and has a mini conversation with her-then resumes his convo with Phil. And he continued talking to Phil without missing a beat.

o   The entire scene at the OB when Gavin was asking the doctor about if his and Emily’s…rough sex life was safe WHILE Dillion was in the room. This is should under Urban Dictionary’s version of savage. And I L-O-V-E-D it!

§  Noah’s Delivery: let a random stranger read this scene, even if they don’t know a thing about the story, and if they can’t tell you that they weren’t touched by this scene, they are soulless monsters.


Quotable Highlights

“No matter what my sister-in-law gave you, considering your big, goofy ass looks like it was hit with a hearty blast of sun, I’m thinking you need to withhold your last Christmas gift and give it to me instead. Hell, I’d be your girlfriend and wear a Knicks sweatshirt. Me love you long time, Gavin.”  -Michael p. 185

            “Me love you long time” bahahaha!!


“Emily, I speak the truth. Especially while I’m drunk. You’re golden if it’s Gavin’s, but if Dumbledick’s the baby daddy, I would look into giving it up for adoption. This whole ordeal’s already a clash of Maury Povich meets Jerry Springer for an all-out battle of ‘who’s got the most drama going on.’” -Olivia p. ???

            Damn, Olivia. While Dumbledick is hands down my favorite nickname for Dillion, sometimes the hard truth just needs to be kept to oneself.


“Sit down on the floor with me.”

[…] “What? You want me to sit on the floor with you in a store?”

[…] “Emily, we almost had sex on the hood of my car on the side of the road in Mexico. Sit.”     -p. 309

         He has a valid point. But there’s nothing wrong with chillin’ on the floor in a store as long as you’re not in the aisle. I did that with my cousin one time (I was 24 and she was 11) because neither of us wanted to look around Old Navy so we popped a squat by a jeans table. Yeah, people looked at us weird but we didn’t give AF.


“It was going to be a joke. I wasn’t even gonna give them your real names. I had Olive Oil for you, Popeye Rodriguez for Gavin, and Norman Bates for Douchecock.”

         -Olivia p. 313

         I just LOVE Olivia’s way with nicknames. Dillion really is like Norman Bates with his crazy ass, but out of all of her different names for Dillion, Dumbledick is definitely my favorite. Norman is second.