Little Black BookShelf

Book review bog for contemporary romance novels

The Fake Date Agreement

My Review

At the time that I read the arc for The Fake Date Agreement, the world was juggling a lot. With a global pandemic and fight against injustice, it makes it a little difficult to find bright spots when the news seems to be informing us of the things going against us. But that’s why I love books. They’re escapes from reality and that’s exactly what this book was. 

It’s a fun lighthearted read that proves that fake dating a friend while pretending to not really be in love is just as awkward as adults as it is in the teenage years. Only difference is age makes you wiser, therefore makes the justifications sound more likely. At least, you’d assume that would be the case. Age also makes for better lies because all that pretending is a load of crap.

It’s clear from the start that both Locke and Greer are into each other, and it’s completely understandable and relatable as to why they didn’t take the jump out of the friendship territory. I mean really, who wants to risk losing an already good thing. The stakes are too high and I know personally I’d be too scared to lose my best friend by trying to make him my boyfriend.

But that’s the appeal of a fake date all the better. You’d get to have your cake and taste it too. If you love reading about friends-to-lovers, and want a little dash of holiday cheer during this summertime heat then click that button where you can read this baby free on Kindle Unlimited!


Final Rating: 4.5 Stars


Comments & Side Notes

§ Locke DEFINITELY got the better end of the deal. They attend company parties together: NBD, they work together anyway and most likely would’ve hung around each other and their other close colleagues the entire time, making Greer’s attempt at being around Damien almost nill. Holiday parties with the family on the other hand: MAJOR EFFING DEAL 

§ Locke’s secret Santa gift is hands down one of the best possible gifts ever. It’s the perfect example of how a great gift doesn’t have to cost a ton of money. All that matters is the thought that went into it.

§  Damien is a dang snake in the grass. I honestly forgot about him til the incident at the holiday party