Little Black BookShelf

Book review bog for contemporary romance novels

Crowne of Lies by CD Reiss

My Review

         I wasn’t officially 10% of the way in and I already knew I was going to enjoy this story.

         I love it when my psychic abilities are accurate.

         Written in dual POVs, Crowne of Lies follows Logan Crowne who’s quest to become CEO of his family’s company hits a roadblock when his father tells him he needs to relax, date, and be married before he’d hand over sole control. Through a mutual friend he finds Ella Papillion, a rebellious artist who wants to take the reins of her father’s fashion company that her step-mother is changing up-and not for the better. But in this you-scratch-my-back-and-I’ll-scratch-yours scenario, the original endgame may not be enough for these two.

         I just liked this couple, and their journey together; that’s really all I can say. Despite being polar opposites in everything from their appearance to their jobs to their personalities, Logan and Ella complimented each other perfectly. I love how Reiss was able to show them not pretending to pretend be a legit couple(if that made any sense whatsoever). It’s like they were acquaintances acting like friends with benefits, pretending to be husband and wife, while subtly forming a true attraction to one another.

         Crowne of Lies is hot, deceiving, fun, and all consuming. It’ll have you begging for Logan and Ella to finally pull their heads out of their asses, drop the act, and just be real. Definitely should be on everyone’s TBR list.

Final Rating: 5 Crowne-Worthy Stars



Steam Scale Playfully Dirty