Little Black BookShelf

Book review bog for contemporary romance novels

One Night: Denied by Jodi Ellen Malpas

My Review

         Real talk: does anyone have a Xanax?

         Anyone? No? Crap…okay…

         If I could some up this book in one word and leave it at that, it would be intense. I knew Denied was going to be intense within the first 100 pages, but that had NOTHING on the last 100 pages. (Or if you wanna get technical: the last 6 chapters). I had my wine bottle handy since I couldn’t find the Xanex.

         My heart raced, my reading positions kept changing constantly due to all the excitement going on, I even cried! Not tear-jerker crying but I did shed a tear or two. And I never cry while reading. But the emotions I was feeling for Miller made me sad. Like I really felt for the poor bloke.

         And that ending!! Like whaattt?!?! I can’t wait to know how all that is going to play out in Unveiled.

Final Rating: 5 Stars




Comments & Side Notes

 §  Ode to Miller: I need to say something(s) about my boy Miller real quick. He surprised me on many occasions in the book. Some of the time it wasn’t good-like him letting his anger get the best of him, or his shocking revelations about his past and childhood. Sometimes it was questionable like he when disconnected himself from Livy after Sophia stopped by his apartment. But other times were good like when they went on the picnic and before that when he entertained her dressing him in casual clothes at Harrod’s. I liked when he loosened up and wasn’t so precise about where things were placed all the time. I’m like Livy where I kinda like it, but I love how he’s allowed a little mess to trickle outside of his studio room.

§   Can we add breaking and entering on the list of skill sets Miller has?

§   Greg + Livy(Sexy Outfit x Alcohol) + Miller = massive showdown aka ‘Something better than Real Housewives!’ But Greg is a real ride or die. I fuck with him for real.

§    Livy Slicing Up Miller’s Clothes: home girl went all Diary of a Mad Black Woman didn’t she? I think even more so than Helen did in that movie. But in the scenes that followed with Miller coming home and practically scorching himself under the shower to rid himself of all the other women broke. my. heart.

§    Blowup in Miller’s Office: TONS of wide eye emojis. That’s all I gotta say.


Quotable Highlights


“Your body instinctively knows danger. If you feel the hair on the back of your neck rise, a prickly sensation between your shoulder blades, or just overall bad vibes-you run.” -William p. 44

         Dun Dun Dunnnnn

“I’m not strong enough to help you.” […] “You’re too damaged.”        -Livy p. 68

         Well dang, talk about being brutally honest

“She’s the blood in my veins.” He speaks clearly and softly. “She’s the air in my lungs.” There’s a slight pause, and I’m sure I hear William inhale a shocked breath. “She’s the bright, hopeful light in my tortured darkness. I’m warning you, Anderson. Don’t try to take her away from me.” -Miller 209-210

            Swooning. I’m swooning for days!

“But I’m all wet.” I pull at the hem of my dress and release it, letting it slap against my thigh in demonstration. I’m not just wet; I’m dripping.

[…] “I quite like you wet.”   -Livy and Miller p. 299

         I appreciate a subtle, or not so subtle, dirty joke.