Little Black BookShelf

Book review bog for contemporary romance novels

One Night: Unveiled by Jodi Ellen Malpas

My Review

         I freakin’ love Miller and Livy. I wish I could watch their story unfold forever. Live in their little light fighting the darkness away world. But alas, that won’t be happening.

         As I was reading, I started wondering when and how the “unveiled” part was going to come to play, and holy crap did things get unveiled. At times I needed some of that Xanex that no one apparently had for me while I was reading Denied.

         Honestly, I have nothing but love for these characters and their story, so I’m just gonna leave it at that. OH! And for those lucky ones that have access to Xanex, have a couple of those handy.

Final Rating: 5 Stars




Comments & Side Notes

§   Chapter 3: Everything about this chapter is swoonsville, heart eyes, and all the sappy feels!

§   So about that Cat & Mouse mini game before they wound up screwing on the floor… THAT was what I was expecting when Miller mentioned the “best fuck of her life” in Promised. My tingling lady bits went into overdrive reading this scene…just sayin’.

And that leads to…

§   Page 174: what a glorious page because Miller actually uttered the words I love you! Yes, we know he’s been telling her he loves her by saying he’s “fascinated”. Yes, he yelled that he loved her to Sophia in a room with William, Tony, Livy, and Cassie. He even told Livy that he’d fallen in love with her, but come on, nothing beats hearing the 7 little letter phrase. Especially after that scene.


Quotable Highlights

“It’s Livy,” he hisses. “I could be speaking with the fucking queen, but if Olivia needs me, then the queen will have to fucking wait.”          -Miller p. 45

         I want to be someone’s number one priority like that! *wahhhh*

“No,” Nan jumps in. “I’m fine. She’s on her way to the pearly gates.” p. 91

            I absolutely adore Nan. I wish she was mine.

“You possess every part of me, Olivia Taylor. For all of the wrongs I have done and all that I and yet to do, I’m asking for your mercy.” […] “Only your love will see me through this hell.”      -Miller p. 139


“You’re a dreamboat, Miller Hart, but you can’t make tea for shit.”  -Nan p. 240

            Hahahaha!!! Gotta love her